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Glossary (D-H)

Definitive host = Host of a parasite where it matures and reproduces.

Dengue fever = Tropical disease transmitted by mosquitoes of the day-biting Aedes genre. Patients usually suffer of fever and headaches, with some muscular and joint pains sometimes associated with a skin rash. Dengue fever spontaneously heals in about ten days, but serious deadly complications can occur. They present with spontaneous bleedings, from the nose, gums as well as skin.

Encephalitis = Acute inflammation of the brain, usually caused by a virus.

Endemic = Defines a disease which is present in a defined geographic area.

Endocarditis = Inflammation of the endocardium. The endocardium is the membrane that lines the heart’s inner wall and covers the cardiac valves. Endocarditis is rare but can be very serious.

Gastroenteritis = Infection of the digestive tract affecting both the stomach (from the greek “gaster”) and the intestines (from the Greek “enteron”). Gastroenteritis can be of viral origin (due to enteroviruses for example), also called « stomach-flues » or of bacterial origin (due to Campylobacter jejuni for example).

Hemorrhagic = Associated with an important bleeding caused by the rupture of a blood vessel.

Hypostome = Part of the head of insects and arachnids located under the mouth, allowing ticks to « sting » and anchor onto the skin.