Prof. Gilbert Greub
Institute of Microbiology of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Professor Greub is division chief for the microbial diagnostic unit, director of the Institute of Microbiology, professor at the Department of biology and medicine at the University of Lausanne, and leader of a research group focusing on intracellular bacteria.
Besides his strong interest in germs he is an avid board game player which gave him the idea to develop a game to increase public awareness towards novel microbes.

Drsc. Carole Kebbi
Institute of Microbiology of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Carole Kebbi is a biologist, specialized in intracellular bacteria with a teaching and research assignment. She played a major role in the development, editing and distribution of the game KROBS. She also contributed to the design of the website, as well as the scientific content.